The Manual


The Manual by Wild Man Wellness is a science based wellness guide for men. It delivers primal, practical and proven direction to harness your epigenetic potential through improvements to your exposome. The manual is built on techniques of 25 + experts from fields like functional medicine, allopathic medicine, integrative medicine, alternative medicine, nutrition, neuroscience, psychology, epidemiology, genetics, and longevity medicine, with clinical evidence referenced from over 600 papers. Wild Man Wellness is fortified with mastering its seven pillars: Sleep, Drink, Food, Movement, Mind, Bacteria, and Toxins.


The Manual by Wild Man Wellness is a science based wellness guide for men. It delivers primal, practical and proven direction to harness your epigenetic potential through improvements to your exposome. The manual is built on techniques of 25 + experts from fields like functional medicine, allopathic medicine, integrative medicine, alternative medicine, nutrition, neuroscience, psychology, epidemiology, genetics, and longevity medicine, with clinical evidence referenced from over 600 papers. Wild Man Wellness is fortified with mastering its seven pillars: Sleep, Drink, Food, Movement, Mind, Bacteria, and Toxins.

The Manual by Wild Man Wellness is a science based wellness guide for men. It delivers primal, practical and proven direction to harness your epigenetic potential through improvements to your exposome. The manual is built on techniques of 25 + experts from fields like functional medicine, allopathic medicine, integrative medicine, alternative medicine, nutrition, neuroscience, psychology, epidemiology, genetics, and longevity medicine, with clinical evidence referenced from over 600 papers. Wild Man Wellness is fortified with mastering its seven pillars: Sleep, Drink, Food, Movement, Mind, Bacteria, and Toxins.

The evidence for your wellness guidance is the succinct summary of research from diverse fields such as microbiology, paleoanthropology, human physiology, clinical nutrition and more. Wild Man Wellness compiles the findings into seven essential variables of complete wellness and gives clear direction on how to have the greatest positive impact on your body at a cellular level. When this is achieved one’s risk for disease is reduced, mental and physical wellness becomes present and aging is slowed. The manual is practical for the modern day man because its main focus is to have the greatest impact possible for the lowest time and energy possible. Condensed relevant research findings, tips and tricks and application to a conventional modern day lifestyle allow practicality to influence real change. This book is a complete all in one instruction manual that is compatible with today’s fast paced and demanding American lifestyle. The cells of the different body systems are more connected to one another than we might have previously believed and taking advantage of the synergy of these systems gives the reader significant improvements in mental and physical wellness for a low cost. By compiling and streamlining findings, the reader is capable of wellness without having to navigate the extremely confusing and controversial landscape of nutrition, fitness, health and medicine on his own. The goal of this guide is to allow the reader to reclaim his birthright to optimum health without decades of self experimentation and research.